Writing Prompts

As a creative writing major, I understand the power of writing. It has helped me get through many tough times. I have at least 50 journals from my childhood in various piles around my house. I always have a journal with me.

I am facilitating a group I call “Manifesting Your Dreams,” where I give writing prompts once a week and members submit their responses to a facebook group for feedback. If you’d like you can join, just click contact me and let me know. Alternatively feel free to write the prompts privately.

Here are the prompts so far, with my responses:

#1: Strengths and Talents
What do you love about yourself? What are your strengths and talents?
My Response

#2: Goals and Your Future
What goals do you have for the next hour? Today? Next week? Next year? Next 10 years? Your life? How will you feel if you accomplish all of your goals? How will you feel if everything changes and you accomplish none of them?
My Response

#3: We Are Superheros
If you could have any superpower, what would it be? How can you take reality and twist it to make your superpower real?
My Response

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